I want to go back in time to a place of innocence. When people that were elevated to leadership status actually were leaders and earned a respectable right to be in the position that they were. You believed that they must be if they were elected by the people for the people.
We are currently watching a race unfold before us. We have three candidates, are any of them what we really need as a nation. A nation about to lose top billing, a nation that has embraced communism in name of the “big buck” embraced ideals different from that which we were founded upon all in the name of “oil”? Can we put into a White House two separate people a wife/victim or a husband/victimizer? Yesterday it came out that Senator Clinton was in the vicinity of her husbands tryst with Monica. A time back I discovered that Senator McCain has married the woman he had an affair with while married to a woman that had stuck by his side waiting his return from the POW camps. The article pointed out that he started the relationship the night he met her, was it a marriage of position initially? Can we entrust a country to people that would put the sanctity of marriage in jeopardy for political gain?
I will not speak of Senator Obama except to say, it clearly at this point and time appears that he is a man who has risen above his own brokenness in family, and is seeking to set it right in his private life, proudly bringing a degree of normalcy into our understanding of the “American” family.
There is more to this blog than the political arena. Daily I am sickened by the revelation of how demonic the electronic age is. My heart hurts over the decay of family life all as a result of the internet, cell phone, text messaging, ease at which we enter deceitfully relationships. We hide, and the deceit grows out of us like weeds in the abandoned playground of decaying neighborhoods. We hear phrases like, “go ahead its okay to look” is it really? Is it really okay to just look? Is it really okay to just enter into someone else’s home to just share an “innocent” correspondence or two? Case in point; Would any man really tolerate a Joe Shmoe just coming up to his front door and asking for Jane. “Is Jane home? I am her old friend, I just want to sit down and talk with her in her bedroom for a while, just turn your head Joe, pretend that this is all innocent banter. It won’t take long….oh and buddy don’t worry, if your relationship is solid, you don’t need to worry, we are just “friends”! Do you honestly think Joe would be okay with that? Should he be?
How about if Jane just happens into her bedroom and discovers Joe quickly switch screens and wait until Jane leaves a room to enter back into the communication that he was having with an unknown entity? Let’s translate that into a human to human contact, shall we. Joe is seen talking with an unknown woman and up walks Jane, the conversation quickly ends. Joe looks at Jane as if, “yes?” The unknown woman turns away, Joe carries on light inane conversation with Jane and as soon as Jane walks away, (with no introduction mind you) the conversation proceeds with the unknown. Tell me how many people would go on their day feeling okay about that one? But you see, if Jane were to confront Joe over the internet/computer exchange, she would be accused of being paranoid, suspicious, and a comment like “hey, I can have friends, it is just an email!”
Do you see where this is going? How many relationships are going to end this year as a result of a communication breakdown as a result of a communication breakdown? I sit in restaurants, public places and see men and women coming into the establishment and watch as one of the couples sits while the other one is staring at a hand held device, fingers moving quickly on the keys. All attention is on the small less than 2inch by 2inch screen that manages to hold all the attention away from the person across the way. As a child I was taught to ignore the person you were with was rude. To bring the handset of the phone to the table was bad manners.
Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus, and there is evil, deceit and it is growing at the speed at which one can type and hit send. For me, I want to go back in time. To a place where each family had one phone number and it was the family number assigned to the man of the house, because women were preyed upon. Where women if they did live alone were advised to list first initial only, to a time when people did not hide behind communication devices. Where men and women understood the boundaries of friendships between people of the opposite sex once they were in committed relationships, to a time when people did not need to be glued to electronic devices, but could actually enter into human exchanges with the people that mattered in their lives. Have we gone too far? Clearly I believe we have, and I resent that there is even a need to be concerned about it.