Saturday, March 15, 2008

What does an heiress, a Madonna wanna be and a prostitute have in common?

What does a spoiled heiress a Madonna wanna be and a “broken home” little lady of ill repute have in common? Absolutely nothing! Yep, you got it, nothing, Except for the very thing that every woman has; the ability to sexually arouse a man. The very thing that identifies a human being as being a female is being certain biological attributes. Crudely put, T&A. Add in hormone producing organs, glands and there you have it. Please do me a favor, stop the madness. If you are over the age of 22, the age of the little, prostitute, then grow up and let it go. A inappropriately behave man sought pleasure in a woman that is the age of a girl he could have fathered. To me that is bordering on a form of pedophilia, it does makes me wonder. This little girl is going to be made rich off of paid for sex. The last I heard prostitution is a criminal act, immoral act, an act that is not looked upon in any culture as something to glorify. But as the new American way goes, do what you want today, grab the cash and tomorrow you will be held in high esteem. Whether it is a Miss America winner and her oral exploits on Penthouse, only to be elevated in a Very short time as a pop star, or a an intern to a president weeping on National television over her being victimized! WE glorify that which should be tarred and feathered and sent to a nunnery for future rehabilitation.

So now let’s really talk about women. When are we going to stand up and take what is rightfully ours? We sell out to the cheap imitation of woman-hood; we give over to 22 year olds what most of us have had to work our fingers to the bone for daily. We keep on selling out to men daily. Their lust, greed, weakness, only to weaken ourselves, we are the majority, but we act like the minority, we allow others to oppress us daily. The media is the biggest criminal in all of this. I have two more major issues to touch on to get the “soapblogging” bug out of my system.

“Former Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro stepped down on Wednesday from her finance position with Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, a campaign spokesman said The decision came after Ferraro, the only woman to run on a major U.S. party's presidential ticket, said Clinton's rival, Barack Obama , would not be ahead in the Democratic presidential race if he was not black. Ferraro was a member of the campaign's finance committee and raised funds for Clinton's White House bid, the campaign spokesman said. (Reporting by Deborah Charles, editing by Lori Santos”)

Geraldine Ferraro made an inappropriate statement regarding Obama’s color, it is interesting and unfortunate. Ferraro was constantly referred to not as Senator Ferraro, or Democratic Candidate Ferraro, but segregated regularly as being a woman. Hillary Clinton is regularly being isolated as being a woman. If she were the front-runner (Senator Clinton) then the Obama camp would be weeping sad little losing tears over her being a leader because, she is a woman, and he is black and “yada, yada, yada!”

It is time, time indeed for us to stop segregated anyone based on their gender, age, ethnicity, etc. Can we honestly refer to Obama with a “race” label? Isn’t he as much Caucasian as he is African? We are all members of one race, we can interbreed, therefore we of different ethnicities, but not race. Can we please throw the race card away? I feel bad for Ferraro, I guess it is easier to perform criminal acts and get positive outcomes from the publicity then to make an ignorant comment. We must face the next 5 years of people backing down because we cannot be politically correct when we are facing a politically incorrect situation. We have candidates running, a woman and two men. Actually, we have three candidates. Who is the most qualified, the most in-tuned, the most willing to take on the next 5 years of our rapidly failing society? I am not sure, but when I know it I will reference them as President!

Geraldine, you might want to take lessons from the 3 femme fatales at the beginning of this blog, they know how to get out of all kinds of criminal offenses.

The next major issue dealing with women is the sad description of how to keep your man from cheating, by a self proclaimed dating guru was featured regarding the criticism of Spitzer’s wife not immediately dumping the dude. Now understand that part of the article was taken out of context, and does highlight what a man would do if his wife was caught with another man. (Can we please keep in mind that the Governor of New York spent on this prostitute what most New Yorkers make in a month!) suggests that a wife, please her man in the bedroom. Let him experiment, that men seek sex outside of marriage because they are not satisfied. Okay, she might be right, but how about respect? How about committing to a relationship and working through the inadequacies of each other? Women, it ain’t all about sex at home, it is about making the guy feel like he made the right choice! Security is the key, but that is another blog all together.

The truth is a man who pays $4,800! For a sexual encounter is an addict. There is little to nothing that can be done short of therapy. Let us also note the age of the little lady of ill-repute. I have daughters her age and if I knew that they were in a sexual relationship, paid or otherwise with a man of Spitzer’s age, I would hunt him down and let him know how borderline - pedophilic I thought he was. So, the truth of the matter is, what this all comes down to is further oppression and victimization of women against women, victimization of women by society, and victimization of women by men!

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