Tuesday, January 22, 2008

one, two, unbuckle my cocoon

And what's my side of the metapolymorphic story? Chopped blogger?

Being quintessentially ADD do I look back to beginnings that blur and drip and likely strike the love of my life as evidence I was scarcely there. And while I didn't have a good explanation for it when I began this paragraph, somewhere in the midst of replacing the word 'proof' with the word 'evidence' did I remember that I was in the midst of real life fathering, something I've done only 3 weeks a year in the last 8 years. So it taxes me like Uncle Sam on Republican steroids. And George Mitchell can take that to the Major League Bank and toke it.

What I do remember is overdosing on my favorite emotion: fascination. Holy whoa'ly, this girl's got not only "it", but several elements and qualities - and maybe even an aura (for those who believe in such a "thing") - that I ain't never had the privilege of encountering up close and personal... is what I was feeling. And still am, even more so now than then.

Girl can't help it. She's ME, eternally uppercase.

Get to know her here, people, and feel a little of my a lot.

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